Make it Rain

Spend Those Marketing Dollars!

The end of year is nearing, and you have a few extra unspent dollars in your marketing budget. What should you do with those funds before they get rolled up and eaten up by the new budget year?  Create video content, of course…#duh!

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BROLL (Visuals)

You can never have enough BROLL . Take some time to determine what video footage would be awesome to have on hand for future video projects.  BROLL comes in super handy for quick social media and blog posts, as well as for longer projects such as brand videos, client testimonials, product videos, etc. End of year is a great time to inventory your video content library and figure out how you can quickly stock up your video footage assets with simple planning for one or two shoot days.

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Brand Video/Corporate Sizzle Reel

Does your company have enough sizzle?  Do you have a high-level, eye-catching piece that can attract potential customers in two minutes or less?  If not, you should consider a brand video, sometimes referred to as a corporate sizzle reel.  The great thing about sizzle reels is that they can be used in many different applications such as website home pages, trade shows, email signatures, sales meetings, and the list goes on. Check out our 6 STRONG MEDIA sizzle reel, and we’ll show you how it’s done.

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Customer Testimonials

What sells your product and services better than customer testimonials?  Nothing…that’s the answer.  So why not stock up on customer testimonial videos?  These can be done in a variety of ways.  We can help you capture testimonials from customers all over the country by using one of our 180 camera crews around the country. It’s even easier if you’re looking to capture testimonials from local clients.  You can schedule a shoot day or two in one location, and bring in dozens of customers to sing your praises.  You could have more testimonial content that you know what to do . We call that a good problem.

Product Videos

Need help selling and marketing a specific product line?  If you answered yes, then product videos are the answer.  Product videos succinctly share your key messages in a captivating way.  Studies show that 4x as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.