How to get approval on the cost of a testimonial video?

Getting executive or board approval for the cost of producing a testimonial video can be a challenge, as it may require convincing them of the value of the video and how it aligns with the organization's goals.

Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting board approval:

Outline the benefits: Start by outlining the benefits of producing a testimonial video, such as increased awareness, engagement, and fundraising opportunities. Highlight how it aligns with the organization's mission and strategic goals.

Provide cost estimates: Provide detailed cost estimates for the video production, including any fees for videographers, equipment, post-production, and other related expenses.

Share examples: Share examples of successful testimonial videos produced by other organizations to demonstrate the impact they can have.

Develop a plan for distribution: Develop a plan for how the video will be distributed and how it will be integrated into the organization's broader communication, marketing, recruiting, or fundraising strategies.

Address concerns: Be prepared to address any concerns the board may have, such as the cost and potential risks associated with producing the video.

Offer alternatives: If the board is hesitant to approve the full cost of producing a testimonial video, consider offering alternative options such as producing a shorter, less expensive video or partnering with another organization (or department) to share costs.

It’s important to make a clear case for the value of producing a testimonial video and how it aligns with the organization's goals. Be prepared to answer questions and address concerns, and offer alternatives if necessary to ensure the board feels comfortable approving the cost.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!