employee spotlight videos

Best Practices for Sharing Your Testimonial Video on Social Media and Other Platforms

Once your testimonial video is complete, it's time to share it with the world! Here are some best practices for sharing your video on social media and other platforms:

Choose the right platforms: When deciding which social media platforms to use, consider where your target audience spends their time online. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are popular options, but don't overlook niche platforms like LinkedIn, TikTok, or even Reddit.

Optimize your video for each platform: Each social media platform has its own video specifications, so be sure to optimize your video accordingly. For example, Instagram and TikTok videos should be in a vertical format, while Facebook and LinkedIn videos should be in a horizontal format.

Add captions: Captions are important for making your video accessible to everyone, including those with hearing impairments or who are watching your video without sound. Consider using auto-generated captions or creating your own.

Use hashtags: Hashtags can help your video reach a wider audience on social media. Research relevant hashtags for your industry and include them in your posts.

Promote your video: Don't just post your video and hope people will find it. Promote it to your email list, website visitors, and through paid advertising to ensure that it gets the exposure it deserves.

Encourage engagement: Social media is all about engagement. Encourage viewers to share and comment on your video, and be sure to respond to any comments or questions.

Monitor your analytics: Most social media platforms provide analytics that can help you track the performance of your video. Use this data to see how many views, likes, and shares your video is getting, and adjust your strategy as needed.

In addition to social media, there are many other ways to share your testimonial video. Consider embedding it on your website, sharing it in email newsletters, or even showing it at events or presentations. The more exposure your video gets, the more impact it will have on your organization's goals.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

Conducting Interviews for Your Testimonial Video

Interviews are a critical component of any testimonial video. They provide a personal connection to your organization's work and help convey the emotional impact of your mission.

Here are some tips for conducting effective interviews:

Prepare in advance: Research your subject and prepare a list of questions that will elicit the information and responses you need to tell your story effectively. Consider the tone you want to convey and make sure your questions reflect that tone.

Choose a comfortable location: Make sure your subject is comfortable and relaxed during the interview. Choose a location that is quiet and free from distractions. Try to avoid overly formal or intimidating settings.

Build rapport: Start with some friendly small talk to build rapport and help your subject feel at ease. Make sure to establish eye contact and actively listen to their responses.

Be flexible: Don't be afraid to deviate from your script if your subject goes off-topic. Some of the most powerful moments in an interview can come from unexpected responses.

Capture b-roll footage: While conducting your interview, try to capture b-roll footage that will help support and illustrate your subject's story. This can include footage of your products or services in action, shots of your interviewee in their environment, or other relevant footage.

Keep it conversational: Encourage your subject to speak naturally and not feel like they have to perform. Ask open-ended questions that allow for a conversational response.

Stay engaged: Remain engaged and attentive throughout the interview. Make eye contact, ask follow-up questions, and provide feedback when appropriate.

By following these tips, you can conduct interviews that capture the heart and soul of your organization and create compelling content for your testimonial video.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

What options do I have for producing a testimonial video?

There are several options for producing a testimonial video for your company. Here are a few:

Do-it-yourself (DIY): Companies with limited budgets can produce a testimonial video themselves using a smartphone or a simple camera. This approach can be cost-effective, but it may result in a lower quality video if the organization doesn't have experience in video production.

Volunteer assistance: You can ask volunteers who have experience in video production to help produce the testimonial video. This approach can be cost-effective, and it can also provide an opportunity for volunteers to contribute their skills and expertise to the organization. However, unless they have experience with the process of video production, this approach could take much longer, yield poor results, and be more expensive over time if you end up having to hire a professional anyway.

Professional video production agency: Companies can hire a professional video production agency to produce a high-quality testimonial video. This approach can be more expensive, but it can result in a video that is more polished and effective in communicating the benefits of working with your company, purchasing your products or services, or signing up for various programs you offer. Working with a professional should result in a better experience for your team, higher production value, faster turnarounds, etc.

Freelance video producer: You can hire a freelance video producer to produce a testimonial video. This approach can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-service video production agency, but it may require more effort to find a freelancer with the right experience and expertise. Also, “one-man-bands” often struggle with timely communication, handling more than one project at a time, wearing all the hats including customer service, account executive, and film producer, etc.

Online video creation tools: Companies can use online video creation tools such as Animoto, WeVideo, or Adobe Spark to create a testimonial video. This approach can be cost-effective, but it often results in a video that looks similar to other videos produced with the same tool.

Ultimately, the option chosen will depend on your goals, budget, and resources. It's important to consider the level of production quality needed to effectively communicate your message, as well as the amount of time and resources available to produce the video.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

Letter to ask a client to be in your testimonial video

When you’re ready to invite your clients to participate in a testimonial video, here’s a sample email you can send them.

Dear [Name],

I hope this message finds you well! I am reaching out to you because we are currently working on producing a testimonial video to share with our community, and I believe that your story would be a powerful addition.

At our organization, we are constantly inspired by the stories of the individuals who support our cause. Your involvement in our organization and your personal journey have not gone unnoticed, and we believe that sharing your story in our video could help inspire others to join us in our mission.

We understand that sharing your story can be a very personal experience, and we want to assure you that our team of professionals will work closely with you to ensure that you feel comfortable and supported throughout the process. We believe that your story has the potential to make a significant impact and touch the hearts of many.

If you are interested in being a part of our testimonial video, please let us know. We would be honored to work with you and share your story with our community.

Thank you for considering this opportunity and for all that you do to support our organization. We are excited to see the impact that your story can make.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

Letter to ask staff or volunteers to be in your testimonial video

When you’re ready to invite volunteers or members of your staff to participate in a testimonial video, here’s a sample email you can send them.

Dear [Name],

We hope this email finds you doing well! We wanted to reach out and let you know that we are in the process of producing a testimonial video for our organization, and we believe that your story would be a powerful addition to our video.

Your work with our organization has had a significant impact, and we believe that your story could help inspire others to get involved and support our cause. We understand that being on camera can be intimidating, but we promise to make the process as comfortable and seamless as possible. Our team of professionals will work with you every step of the way to ensure you feel comfortable and supported.

By sharing your story in our video, you have the potential to touch the hearts of thousands of people and help us raise awareness and support for our cause. We believe that your story has the power to inspire others to join us in our mission to [insert mission statement here].

We hope that you will consider being a part of our testimonial video. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.

Thank you for all that you do to support our organization. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to have the opportunity to share your story with our community.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

How to get approval on the cost of a testimonial video?

Getting executive or board approval for the cost of producing a testimonial video can be a challenge, as it may require convincing them of the value of the video and how it aligns with the organization's goals.

Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting board approval:

Outline the benefits: Start by outlining the benefits of producing a testimonial video, such as increased awareness, engagement, and fundraising opportunities. Highlight how it aligns with the organization's mission and strategic goals.

Provide cost estimates: Provide detailed cost estimates for the video production, including any fees for videographers, equipment, post-production, and other related expenses.

Share examples: Share examples of successful testimonial videos produced by other organizations to demonstrate the impact they can have.

Develop a plan for distribution: Develop a plan for how the video will be distributed and how it will be integrated into the organization's broader communication, marketing, recruiting, or fundraising strategies.

Address concerns: Be prepared to address any concerns the board may have, such as the cost and potential risks associated with producing the video.

Offer alternatives: If the board is hesitant to approve the full cost of producing a testimonial video, consider offering alternative options such as producing a shorter, less expensive video or partnering with another organization (or department) to share costs.

It’s important to make a clear case for the value of producing a testimonial video and how it aligns with the organization's goals. Be prepared to answer questions and address concerns, and offer alternatives if necessary to ensure the board feels comfortable approving the cost.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

How to persuade someone to film a testimonial

Getting a client to agree to be in a testimonial video can be a delicate process, as it requires gaining their trust and ensuring that they are comfortable with the process.

Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting a client (or customer) to agree to be in your testimonial video:

Explain the purpose of the video: Start by explaining to the client what the video is for and why it's important to your organization. Make sure they understand the impact their participation will have.

Address any concerns: Clients may have concerns about being on camera, so it's important to address these concerns and provide reassurance. Address their concerns with sensitivity and understanding.

Share previous videos: If you have produced testimonial videos in the past, share them with the client so they can see the final product and get an idea of what to expect.

Provide a clear and detailed outline: Provide the client with a clear and detailed outline of the video shoot, including what will be required of them, how long the process will take, and what they can expect on the day of the shoot.

Respect their boundaries: Be respectful of the client's boundaries and make sure they are comfortable with the process. If they are uncomfortable with a certain question or topic, respect their wishes and move on.

Offer incentives: If the client is still hesitant, consider offering incentives such as a gift card, a mention in your newsletter, or a complimentary ticket to an upcoming event.

It’s important to build a relationship of trust with the client, be transparent and clear in your communication, and ensure that they are comfortable with the process before proceeding with the shoot.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

What are the challenges with testimonial videos?

Producing a testimonial video can present a number of challenges. Here are some of the most common obstacles associated with producing a testimonial video:

Balancing emotion and information: A testimonial video needs to be emotionally impactful, while also conveying important information about your company, products or services. Striking the right balance between these two elements can be challenging.

Getting the right footage: Shooting a testimonial video often involves working with real people in real-life situations. This can make it difficult to capture the footage that the organization needs to tell their story effectively.

Ensuring a consistent message: Testimonial videos are typically used to promote a specific message or goal. Ensuring that this message is consistent throughout the video can be challenging, especially when working with multiple interviewees or locations.

Staying within budget: Producing a testimonial video can be expensive, especially if you want high-quality footage and post-production work. Staying within budget while still producing a compelling video can be a challenge.

Meeting deadlines: Testimonial videos are often created for specific events or campaigns, and meeting the deadlines associated with these events can be a challenge, especially if there are unexpected delays during production or post-production.

Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, effective communication, and a willingness to adapt as needed throughout the production process. By working with a skilled video production team and being flexible throughout the process, organizations can create impactful testimonial videos that help achieve their goals.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

How can a video production agency make the process easier?

A video production agency can make the process of producing a testimonial video easier by handling all aspects of the video production process, from ideation to post-production.

Here are a few ways a video production agency can make the process easier:

Ideation: A video production agency can work with you to develop the concept and script outline for the video, based on your mission and goals.

Pre-production: A video production agency can handle the logistics of the shoot, including location scouting, casting, and scheduling.

Production: A video production agency can handle all aspects of the video shoot, including lighting, sound, and camera work.

Post-production: A video production agency can edit the footage into a polished final product, incorporating music, sound effects, and other post-production elements.

Distribution: A video production agency can provide consultation for the best way to distribute the final video on various platforms, such as social media, websites, conferences, trade shows, or at fundraising events.

By taking care of all these aspects, a video production agency can make the process of producing a testimonial video easier and less stressful. This allows the organization to focus on their mission, while leaving the video production to the professionals.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!

What type of music should I use in my testimonial video?

The type of music you use in your testimonial video should complement and enhance the story you're telling. You want the music to evoke emotions that align with your message and keep the viewers engaged.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting music for your video:

Genre: Choose a genre of music that complements the tone of your video. For example, if you're telling a heartwarming story, you may want to choose a more acoustic or orchestral score, whereas a motivational video may call for more upbeat or electronic music.

Mood: Consider the mood of the music you choose. You may want to use a softer, more contemplative piece for introspective moments, or a more intense, driving beat for action-oriented scenes.

License: Be sure to select music that you have the legal right to use. You can either license music from a production music library or commission an original score.

Tempo: The tempo of the music should match the pace of your video. You don't want the music to be too slow or too fast, as it can be distracting and take away from the impact of your story.

Ultimately, the music you choose should complement the story you're telling and help reinforce the emotions and message you're trying to convey.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!