What options do I have for producing a testimonial video?

There are several options for producing a testimonial video for your company. Here are a few:

Do-it-yourself (DIY): Companies with limited budgets can produce a testimonial video themselves using a smartphone or a simple camera. This approach can be cost-effective, but it may result in a lower quality video if the organization doesn't have experience in video production.

Volunteer assistance: You can ask volunteers who have experience in video production to help produce the testimonial video. This approach can be cost-effective, and it can also provide an opportunity for volunteers to contribute their skills and expertise to the organization. However, unless they have experience with the process of video production, this approach could take much longer, yield poor results, and be more expensive over time if you end up having to hire a professional anyway.

Professional video production agency: Companies can hire a professional video production agency to produce a high-quality testimonial video. This approach can be more expensive, but it can result in a video that is more polished and effective in communicating the benefits of working with your company, purchasing your products or services, or signing up for various programs you offer. Working with a professional should result in a better experience for your team, higher production value, faster turnarounds, etc.

Freelance video producer: You can hire a freelance video producer to produce a testimonial video. This approach can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-service video production agency, but it may require more effort to find a freelancer with the right experience and expertise. Also, “one-man-bands” often struggle with timely communication, handling more than one project at a time, wearing all the hats including customer service, account executive, and film producer, etc.

Online video creation tools: Companies can use online video creation tools such as Animoto, WeVideo, or Adobe Spark to create a testimonial video. This approach can be cost-effective, but it often results in a video that looks similar to other videos produced with the same tool.

Ultimately, the option chosen will depend on your goals, budget, and resources. It's important to consider the level of production quality needed to effectively communicate your message, as well as the amount of time and resources available to produce the video.

Need help producing videos for your company?

As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!