Conducting Interviews for Your Testimonial Video

Interviews are a critical component of any testimonial video. They provide a personal connection to your organization's work and help convey the emotional impact of your mission.

Here are some tips for conducting effective interviews:

Prepare in advance: Research your subject and prepare a list of questions that will elicit the information and responses you need to tell your story effectively. Consider the tone you want to convey and make sure your questions reflect that tone.

Choose a comfortable location: Make sure your subject is comfortable and relaxed during the interview. Choose a location that is quiet and free from distractions. Try to avoid overly formal or intimidating settings.

Build rapport: Start with some friendly small talk to build rapport and help your subject feel at ease. Make sure to establish eye contact and actively listen to their responses.

Be flexible: Don't be afraid to deviate from your script if your subject goes off-topic. Some of the most powerful moments in an interview can come from unexpected responses.

Capture b-roll footage: While conducting your interview, try to capture b-roll footage that will help support and illustrate your subject's story. This can include footage of your products or services in action, shots of your interviewee in their environment, or other relevant footage.

Keep it conversational: Encourage your subject to speak naturally and not feel like they have to perform. Ask open-ended questions that allow for a conversational response.

Stay engaged: Remain engaged and attentive throughout the interview. Make eye contact, ask follow-up questions, and provide feedback when appropriate.

By following these tips, you can conduct interviews that capture the heart and soul of your organization and create compelling content for your testimonial video.

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As a full-service video production agency with 250+ camera crews strategically located in cities throughout the United States, 6 STRONG MEDIA offers a faster, simpler way to make great videos for your company, without all the hassle. Let’s explore working together!